Salicylic Peel
Show Your Real Face!
The Salicylic Peel is a three-step process that removes a micro-thin top layer of skin. The top layer is a significant obstruction to having healthy looking skin because it is "pore-clogged". The procedure is safe, effective and is accomplished in 15-20 minutes.
Step One
A five minute, physical or enzymatic exfoliation of the skin. This frees the skin of dead cellular layers and protein. By reducing the top layer of skin, it also diminishes the appearance of fine lines and dark/brown spots. A change in skin texture can be felt right away by brushing your hand across your cheek.
Step Two
A 15-30 percent Alpha Hydroxy Acid solution is applied. It will stay on the skin for a minimum of 15 seconds and no more than 2 minutes. A mild stinging sensation may occur; however, it is momentary and quite normal. This part of the Salicylic Peel® helps to reduce acne related conditions by freeing impacted debris from the pores. This step is not recommended for sensitive skin.
Step Three
The final step of the Salicylic Peel® is a skin freezing process called Cryogenic Therapy. Carbon dioxide is applied to the face in light circular motions causing an immediate cool-down and triggering an anti-inflammatory response.
Pores look smaller
Sun damaged cells are cast off
Oil and blackheads are unblocked
The surface of the skin becomes smoother